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The meaning of the parable, each and every one of us are very precious in the sight of god. and he has no desire to see any one should get lost for ever.
It means that God rejoices over a sinner who repents than 99 good people who don't need to.
Here in the parable of the lost sheep, we sinful man are the lost sheep, and god is trhe sheperd who looks out for the sinners to repent and come home.
This is a story told by Jesus of Nazerus to explain his and God's love for everyone. If there is a hundred good people, but one person sins, he will leave all the others because they are doing fine, and go to comfort and save the sinner. Hope this helps on your path to God's mercy.
God will go to great lengths to be available to those who stray - He will be right there waiting when they are ready to turn to Him.

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6mo ago

The parable of the lost sheep teaches that God cares deeply for every individual, even those who stray or are lost. It illustrates God's love, mercy, and willingness to go to great lengths to bring back those who are lost. It emphasizes the value of each person in the eyes of God.

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10y ago

The parable of the lost sheep - Luke 15:4-7 is one of a series of three parables - the lost sheep the lost coin and the lost son.

In the parable of the lost sheep the shepherd represents Jesus. The ninety-nine sheep represent the scribes and the Pharisees. The lost sheep typifies a tax collector or an acknowledged sinner. When the shepherd realizes that one of his sheep is lost, he leaves the ninety-nine in the pasture (not in the fold) and goes out after it until he finds it.

These stories were aimed directly at the scribes and Pharisees, who were never broken before God to admit their lost condition. As a matter of fact, they were as lost as the publicans and sinners, but they steadfastly refused to admit it.

The point of the three stories is that God receives real joy and satisfaction when He sees sinners repenting, whereas He obtains no gratification from self-righteous hypocrites who are too proud to admit their wretched sinfulness.

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It's a religious,Bible thing. The Parable of the Lost Sheep is one of the parables of Jesus in Luke 15:3-7

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Who does god refer to as the lost sheep in the parable the lost sheep?

In the Bible, the parable of the lost sheep is found in the book of Matthew (Matthew 18:12-14) and Luke (Luke 15:4-7). In the parable, Jesus refers to the lost sheep as a metaphor for sinners who have strayed from God's path. God is symbolized as the shepherd who leaves the 99 sheep to search for and rescue the one lost sheep, demonstrating his love and care for those who have gone astray.