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It looks like a short horizontal line.


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Q: What does the symbol for hyphen look like?
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What does a hyphen look like on keyboard?

what does a hyphen look like

How does a hyphen look?

like this -

Where do you put hyphens?

Hyphen is a punctuation mark which has a symbol that look like this ( - ), this is used at the end of a line when a word must be divided or to link the parts of a compound word or phrase.

The hyphen is the shift of the underline symbol?


What is a '-'?

The - symbol can either be called a hyphen or a dash.

What is this symbol called when it is not a hyphen?

It is called a dash.

What is the line symbol called?

It's called a hyphen !

How do you make a hyphen?

The hyphen symbol - can be made by pressing the key between the = key and the 0 key (below the top row).

What is a name of a symbol?

The symbol - is know as a dash or a hyphen (pronounced: HI-fen). An example of a - as a dash, you could use it for things like......writing the date: August 8th 2010, or......8-28-10. Using - as a hyphen, you could do things like......connecting words or phrases together such as: great-great-great-great grandfather.

What the symbol that joins words IE great-grandparent?

A dash, or hyphen.

What is the symbol that joins words IE great-grandparent?

A dash, or hyphen.

What does a Gurdwara symbol look like?

there is no symbol of the gurdwara