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A table means that it holds infomation and can be easily accessed!

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Q: What does the term table mean in databases?
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"Field" equates to a column of a database table, the two terms are interchangeable.

What does the term fields mean?

For databases, a field is another name for a column in the table. Each record (or row) represents an incidence of one or more fields, each with its own data.

What does the term database field mean?

For databases, a field is another name for a column in the table. Each record (or row) represents an incidence of one or more fields, each with its own data.

What does the term query mean in relation to databases?

Query is a thing you are searching for in the database.

What does the term foreign key mean in databases?

A foreign key is a field in a database table that is used to establish a relationship with another table. It ensures referential integrity by enforcing a link between two tables based on a matching key. This key is typically a primary key in the referenced table.

What is the term crumbing down mean?

Using a small table cloth to remove crumbs from the table

What does the term open table mean in a restaurant?

An open table in a restaurant is a table that is not occupied. It is free to sit at for the next customer, or at the dispense of the restaurant.

What does boxing a table mean?

"Boxing a table" in the context of databases refers to enclosing a set of columns or rows within a bordered area for organizational or visual purposes. It helps in distinguishing a specific group of data from the rest of the table.

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The term, "Butterfly", in regards to the sport of table tennis is the worlds most popular manufacturer of table tennis equipment. The Butterfly company makes paddles, nets, balls and table tennis tables.

What does the term sql outer join mean?

SQL is a special language for making queries to databases. An outer join is a special form of joining two tables within the database, when a SELECT query is made. In the outcome of the query you will find all selected entries from the so called "left table" (the table that was target of the select query) and only those entries from the "right table" (the one that is joined with the other) that fit a specified joining condition.

Can you make graphs from databases?

As long as you have your data in a data table and you know how to make a graph, yes.