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Technology, such as boats and carts, made it possible.

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Q: What drove the Indus Valley civilization to build one of the most advanced trade networks of their time?
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What have we found out about life in the indus valley civilization?

A technologically advanced urban lifestyle is clear in the Indus Valley Civilization

What have we found out about life in the Indus River Valley civilIzation?

A technologically advanced urban lifestyle is clear in the Indus Valley Civilization

What does indus valley mean?

The Indus Valley refers to a region in South Asia where the ancient Indus Valley Civilization was located. This civilization flourished around 3300–1300 BCE and is known for its well-planned cities, advanced urban infrastructure, and trade networks. The Indus Valley Civilization played a significant role in the development of early society.

What evidence shows that Indus-valley civilization had a well organized government?

A sophisticated and technologically advanced urban culture is evidence of an organized government in The Indus Valley Civilization

Indus Valley growth?

The Indus Valley Civilization emerged around 2600 BCE in present-day Pakistan and northwest India. It was characterized by advanced city planning, sophisticated drainage systems, and trade networks. The civilization declined around 1900 BCE possibly due to environmental factors, invasions, or economic changes.

What evidence shows that Indus valley civilizations had a well organized government?

A sophisticated and technologically advanced urban culture is evidence of an organized government in The Indus Valley Civilization

Why did the Indus valley civilization flourish?

The Indus Valley Civilization flourished due to its strategic location near rivers which provided fertile land for agriculture, advanced urban planning and sanitation systems, and sophisticated trade networks connecting them with other civilizations. Additionally, their mastery of bronze metallurgy and craftsmanship helped in creating a vibrant culture and economy.

Where did India's first civilization arise?

The Indus Valley Civilization: Harappa, Mohenjodaro

Which is the first civilization of the world nile or indus?

indus valley indus valley

How did Indus valley civilization get its name?

It thrived in the Indus Valley.

What evidence suggests in indus valley cities were run by a strong central government?

A sophisticated and technologically advanced urban culture is evidence of an organized government in The Indus Valley Civilization

What was the river in the Indus Valley Civilization called?

There were two main rivers in the Indus Valley Civilization; The Ghaggar-Hakra and the Indus.