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The depression & drought hit farmers on the Great Plains

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it almost ran out of wheat

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Q: What economic effect did World War 1 have on plains wheat farmers?
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What were the working conditions of farmers in the 1930's?

Life was very hard for the farmers during the 1930's. Most had been in a downward economic spiral since the end of the first world war. Government programs helped them to make it through the Depression. However, farmers in the Plains states suffered a devastating drought known as the Dust Bowl, which resulted in many of them abandoning their farms, and heading to California to work as itinerant farm workers.

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The Great Plains or Great American Desert as Lewis and Clark termed it was tamed and broken by the steel moldboard plow. Errors were made that the Dust Bowl pointed out to Western Plains farmers and it became and remains the Bread Basket of the World.

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What are The three major plains of the world?

The three major plains are the North American plain, Eurasian plain, and the Amazon Basin.

Was the dust bowl a factor for World War 2 farmers?

The Dust Bowl of the 1930s lasted about ten years and was devastating to the farmers, especially those in the Southern Plains of the US. The agricultural devastation of the Dust Bowl probably increased the severity and length of the depression. Farming was an economic roller coaster prior to the depression. The poor agricultural practices at the time only increased the effects of the drought, when it came. The land had been plowed and planted over and over again during good years. When the drought hit, the farmers continued to plow and plant, but the ground had lost its ability to produce and there was little ground cover left to protect what there was of top soil. The winds simply blew the dirt away. Many farmers simply could not survive and they packed up their families and moved west. MrV The drought ended in the fall of 1939 and the US entered the war over two years later, so it had little effect on farmers DURING World War 2.

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