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Q: What faculty did people during the Enlightenment value the most?
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Which of the values put forth during the Enlightenment most likely influenced this language?

the idea that different cultures, beliefs, ideas, and value systems had equal value

What of the values put forth during the Enlightenment most likely influenced this language?

The values of reason, individualism, and secularism put forward during the Enlightenment most likely influenced this language in terms of clarity, logical structure, and a focus on empirical evidence. The emphasis on rational thought and critical thinking during the Enlightenment led to the development of language that is precise, analytical, and focused on conveying information objectively.

What did the enlightenment movement emphasize?

The Enlightenment was a movement that emphasized the value of reasoning. This movement encouraged scrutiny of previously accepted and settled doctrines.

Which is a major legacy of the enlightenment?

Belief in the value of studying how and why things change

What was the the movement of enlightenment emphasized the value of?

Either reason or religion.. I ain't sure.. 😏

The Enlightenment was a movement that emphasized the value of what?

Either reason or religion.. I ain't sure.. 😏

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What role did the scientific revolution play in the start of the enlightenment?

It convinced many Europeans to value logic and reason over religion and tradition

What role did the scientific revolution play in bringing on the enlightenment?

it convinced many europeans to value logic and reason over religion and tradition

What was 'The Enlightenment'?

The Enlightenment or the Age of Reason: The enlightenment was a philosophic movement of the 18th century marked by a rejection of traditional social, religious, and political ideas and an emphasis on rationalism.

What was the The Enlightenment?

movement in Europe in the 1600 and 1700s that emphasized reason and science. An intellectual movement based on reason It is a term used to describe Western Philosophy and cultural life during the 18th century, in which reason was advocated as the primary source and basis of authority. It developed in France, Germany, Britain, he Netherlands, and Italy. The movement spread through Russia and Scandinavia, also other parts of Europe. Documents such as the American "Declaration of Independence," and the French "Declaration of Rights of man and the citizen" were motivated by the "Age of Enlightenment." The Enlightenment was a cultural movement that placed a high value on intelligence and science.