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AnswerI have owned and bred Red Eared Sliders and Diamond Backed Terrapins for a number of years, and there are a few factors to consider when deciding what types of fish to put in your turtle tank, or even if you want to in the first place.

Two key things are the size of your tank and your style of set up. If your turtle has an aquarium heater in the water, people will often include fish like Plattys, Mollies, Swordtails and schools of small tetra such as Rummynose or Glo-Lite Tetras. Assuming the tank is big enough - keep the schools big (7 fish or more) to cut down on the risk of them being eaten. Keep in mind that the turtles by themselves, tax most people's filters, and adding fish only makes the harmful chemical levels in the tank (ammonia, nitrates, nitrites) rise even faster.

If your tank does not have an aquarium heater in the water(most turtle tanks only have a basking light for heat), you are relegated to pretty much goldfish and one species of cold water tetra called White Cloud Tetras. It is my suggestion to veer away from Fan Tailed or Fancy Goldfish, and stick to the more common Comet, Sarrassa, or Shubunkin Goldfish, due to Fan Tails slow movement. In cold or warm water tanks, people will often make use of Plecostomus (algae eaters) as cleaning fish.

Warning!! Keep in mind that when placing fish in an aquarium with water turtles, you *always* run the risk of the fish being eaten. Water turtles can be aggressive fishers, attacking, dragging to shore and eating prey that is longer than they are, so never assume big fish are safe. Also, to this end, make sure you never place toxic fish species (like freshwater puffers) in the tank with your turtle.

In my tanks at home I place Comet(feeder) goldfish in with my turtles. Comets can be purchased very cheaply at pet stores (about 15 cents a fish) and still come in a variety of colors from orange and black to red and white. It adds some movement to the tank, and nutrition to the turtles diet (calcium) when they do choose to eat one. The only thing to watch for, is that your turtle is still eating it's regular pelleted food and not living on a diet of just goldfish as they are rather fatty.

It is not good turtle keeping to feed any freshwater aquatic turtle goldfish regularly. Once every month or two is acceptable but it is suggested to feed Rosy Red minnows, guppies, swordtails, mollys, platys. Goldfish are high in fat which is rough on the turtle to digest and is proven to lower the life spans of captive turtles.

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14y ago
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17y ago

Actually this completely depends on your turtle(s). Your best bet is something small, fast, and not very flashy. My four live quite contentedly with a school of guppies. The guppies eat the leftover food, and clean up the turtle poo. Other fish that might work are danios, white cloud mountain minnows, some tetra species. Stay away from the slow movers with pretty fins - like bettas, and fancy goldfish.

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16y ago

More than likely, the red ear slider will chase and bite at any fish you put in the tank. Once in a while I put "feeder" fish in the tank to give my turtle a little exercise and a live hunt. He enjoys a nice fish dinner.

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11y ago

Not very many fish would be able to live with a red eared slider. However, you could probably keep a couple of Algie fish these fish tend to stay at the bottom of the tank so they shouldn't get Hurt. You could also try fish larger than the turtle. Hope I helped and GL with your turtle

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12y ago

Yes! All fish can, except the beta fish. I know this because i have three fish and two red eared slider turtles. I have a beta fish, a goldfish, and a black Moore goldfish. The two other fish, besides the beta, work really well with my red eared slider turtles.

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12y ago

Almost any fish but not goldfish. Goldfish are good feed for turtles

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16y ago

I bet most plecos (armored catfish) can handle living with the little nippers. And anything just too fast for the red ears to catch.

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13y ago

RES a variety of animal and plant materials in the wild including, but not limited to fish..! See related link for more details from Wikipedia !

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Do all red eared sliders live in water?

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no turtles have teeth. they have a beak that is made out of keratin, which is what our fingernails are made out of

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You're the guy that asked god knows how many questions about red eared sliders aren't you? Sorry. Anyway no one can tell you what month exactly. Just know they lay their eggs in spring. Geckomaster P.S. To get all this info your looking for just find a good website on google or something.

Can the sun kill red eared slider turtle?

Not at all. Red Eared Sliders need pure sunlight from the sun for 2-3 hours every 2 or 3 days. It will help streghen bones and grow shell.

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Yes they are, I have four red eared sliders and my pitbull sits and watches the tank as much as I do. It all depends on your enclosure and your dogs behavior.

Do all red-ear slider turtles eat fish?

Yes. The most common fish a Red Eared Slider will eat is Commet Goldfish. Red eared sliders will eat fish, but fish are full of worms and parasites which will contaminate your filter. For an indoor slider I suggest only pellets and veggies. Plus they eat parts of the fish and the rest you would have to clean out right away. My slider loves just his pellets, he snubs romaine lettuce and any other veggie I have tried. Ice berg lettuce is not good for sliders either. I have a 4 year old slider that is 5 inches long he is in a 40 gallon tank alone.

How many live fish do you feed your baby snapper turtle and how often?

Not very many but i keep a lot in my cage at all times and he is a baby Red eared slider. He tares the fish up and eats some of them then leaves it and has a new one after a little bit.