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i would like to know the fuctions that the project management software provide that you cannot doeasily using other tools such as a spreadsheet or data base?

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Q: What functions does project management software provide that you cannot do easily using other tools such as a spreadsheet or database?
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Is excel database system?

No, it isn't. Its a spreadsheet software.

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No. Excel is a spreadsheet. Access is the database.

What is a database management system?

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The software is known as a spreadsheet.

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They are classified as being applications software.

Database software often is called a?

Database Management system (DBMS)

Are database and database management system identical?

No. Database is a data itself, organized according to rules of database management system. And Database Management System is a software used to organize a database, and to acces it too.

Which companies produce the best database management software?

There are many companies that provide database management software. However, none of them can claim the title of the best because that title is opinionated. Companies that produces database management software include Microsoft and IBM.

What does database management software mean?

A Database Management System is a software package with computer programs that control the creation, maintenance, and the use of a database. It allows organizations to conveniently develop databases for various applications by database administrators (DBAs) and other specialists. Database management software means a lot in technology, it is very useful.