

What gets food from its producers?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What gets food from its producers?
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What would happen if there were no producers?

The thing that gets eaten by the producer will just increase because no one eats them

Do all food chains need producers?

Yes. Without a producer, nothing gets produced.

What does 'are algae producers' mean?

It Means That It Makes It's Own Food And Gets Eaten By A Consumer Or It Decomposes.

Why are plants primary producers?

plants are called "primary producers" because they can make their own food through photosynthesis. No other thing on earth can produce their own food, which is why they are the "producers." They produce all the energy that gets transferred throughout every other living thing on the planet

What does primary cunsumers mean?

An organism that gets its energy from producers (plants/autotrouphs). It is the first heterrotophs on a food chain.

What are producers in a food web?

The producers in a food web are plants.

What does a Producers in a food chain?

'Producers' are suppliers of food chain. Producers generate their own food and are not dependent on others. Producers are usually plants (green plants)

How the rat in the food chain obtains energy in directly from the sun?

it doesn't get energy directly from the sun it gets the suns energy from whatever producers it eats and if its a carnivore than it eats herbivores and herbivores eat producers so the rat gets energy from the herbivore which gets energy from the sun.

What is the organism called that gets energy from the food it eats?

I think it is called a consumer, producers obtain energy from the sun(???)

What goes after producers in a food web?

Consumers go after producers in a food web.

Which organisms in the food web are producers-?

Autotrophs are the organisms in the food web that are producers. Green plants are examples of producers.

How are producers related to primary consumers?

Producers are the food for primary consumers.