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The goddess that didn't sprang out of Zeus' head was Athena.

Earlier, Zeus had swallowed his wife Metis because he was told that if Metis had a son, that the son would overthrow his father. Later, Zeus got a pounding headache. He told Hephaestus (his son by Hera) to cut open Zeus' head. Then, Athena jumped out, in full armor and ready for a battle.

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Q: What goddess sprouted straight out of Zeus' head?
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Who was the goddess that was worshiped by many and birth was that she sprouted out of Zeus' head full grown?

Athena sprung out of the head of Zeus fully grown.

Who was sprouted out of Zeus' head full-grown?

Athena, godddess of wisdom, sprouted from Zeus's head full-grown. She was worshipped by many and was very powerful.

What goddess sprouted out of zeuses head?

It was Athena, goddess of war and wisdom.

Who sprouted out of Zeus' head full-grown?


What greek god was born by sprouting straight out of the head of Zeus?

athena,the goddess of wisdom and war

She was a powerful goddess, worshipped by many. The myth of her birth is that she sérouted straight out the head of Zeus, full-grown?

This Greek Goddess is the goddess of battle strategy and wisdom. Legend says that she was born from Zeus's skull and her mother was swallowed by Zeus. This Greek Goddess is Athena.

She was a powerful goddess worshipped by many the myth of her birth is that she sprouted shraight out the head of Zeus full grown?

Athena. She was a sex craved freak just like her dad. She raped Aphrodites, the godess of sex!

Which god or goddess was born from Zeus' head?

the goddess Athena

Who is Zeus' god or goddess?

Zeus is the head of the Greek pantheon; he has no god or goddess. He is a god, the chief god as it were.

Who was sprung from the head of zeus?

Athena, goddess of wisdom, crafts, and war, sprung from the head of Zeus.

Which god or goddess was born out of Zeus head?


Was athena always a goddess?

Yes, she was born from the Greek god Zeus' head a goddess.