

What greek or roman goddess was Jupiter named after?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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In Roman mythology, Jupiter was the king of the Gods. But the Romans took the Greek's god Zeus (also king of the gods) and made so it would fit there life style a little more. But they are almost the same. The Romans just took the Greek gods and changed the names and made them a little more war like. But which ever way you refer to them as, they still both amazing and powerful.


Jupiter (in Latin it was Ivppter - V is oo or w in Latin) comes from a compounding of the Latin for Jove, Iovs(pronounced like YOSE) and Pater which is "father". Interestingly, Iovs and Zeus come from the same Indo-European root word, dyeus, which means "sky-god". The same word is also the origin of the words deus (god) and dies (day) in Latin.

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