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Q: What gum advertised that you could eat the wrapper?
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Can you eat the mega mystery gum wrapper?

if you like to eat wrappers i guess...

Can you eat the wrapper to stride gum?

I'm not really sure......maybe...

Can you eat Stride gum wrapers?

Would you want to? Yes it does take a while to make the wrapper not be clumpy in your gum.

What kind of gum still comes with a wrapper you can use to make a gum wrapper chain?


Does the stride gum wrapper turn into gum?

no it dont

Will a bunny die if it eats a gum wrapper?

Yes, the bunny could choke on the gum, or it could lead to digestive upset (and digestive upset can be a serious problem in rabbits, even leading to death). If your rabbit ate gum, watch to make sure it doesn't choke, and thereafter encourage healthy digestion by encouraging water and hay consumption. Be on the lookout for signs of illness and be ready to bring the rabbit to a vet. See the related questions below for more info and helpful links.

Is it true that if you chew Stride Gum with the wrapper on the wrapper will dissolve?


How much does a gum wrapper weigh?

A gum wrapper is about 2 inches by 3 1/2 inches. Hope this helped! :)

Can you eat the wrapper on stride gum?

Yes, you can there is nothing toxic about it but if you chew it with your gum it cold make your gum a little harder :) You may eat the wrapper, but it is best if you stick the whole thing (Gum in wrapper) in your mouth. It is proven to give your gum more flavor, and it can not harm you, it almost dissolves.

Why is there a paper wrapper on the outside of an aluminium wrapper?

so that when your done with your gum you can then stick it in the wrapper then throw the wapper away. :)

Are you supposed to chew gum with the wrapper?

You aren't SUPPOSED too. It's not like there's a law or anything. But you can chew Stride gum with the wrapper and it will just dissolve.

What are some cool looking gum wrappers?

The 5 gum wrapper is pretty cool.