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Freshwater Angelfish have several habits that I observed from the ones I had.

1: they are all very territorial, especially when they pair off when mature.

2: they are as far as I could tell bullies to the smaller fish, even smaller Angelfish.

3: when a couple has paired off and is about to breed they will start to clean a leaf in the tank, this can take up to 3 days before they are satisfied with the result. Once the leaf is clean to both parents satisfaction the egg laying will begin. The female will pass against the leaf first, gently depositing her eggs in a row. She will then hang back while the male then follows the same path along the leaf the female just took and deposits his sperm on the eggs. This will continue untill the female has deposited all her eggs and all eggs have been fertilized by the male. They will then both guard that leaf ferociously. If you have a couple in your tank beware that all your other fish will be stressed by the parents, so if you think about breeding I would separate the paired off Angelfish to a different tank all for themselves.

4: they tend to be very shy.

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