

What happened to The Movie Stargate Extinction?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Simply, the movie was/is never produced.

Just refer to the Stargate Wiki for example. There are a lot of discussions all over the internet about that nonexistent movie ;-)

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Unfortunately this information is unavailable as the film was placed on hold on August 2009 due to the economic downturn.MGM has yet to make decision on the future of the movie.

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If you mean the movie Stargate, then it is Jaye Davidson. Hope this helps!

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Umm stargate Atlantis has never had a movie to date....only five seasons. Infact the original stargate movie was 1994 before Stargate Atlantis exsisted and Stargate SG-1 only had two films after the 10 seasons aired on TV.

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The next Stargate movie (Codenamed Project Terzo) is rumored to be released sometime in 2010.