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No they do not go to jail. Remember that child support also helps pay for housing, utilities, gas to go places as well as for items for the child. Like any budget, toys and new clothes are wants not needs. As a non-custodial parent, you should not consider that child support is enough; it doesn't hurt to occasionally take the child out for a set of clothes, a jacket or new shoes.

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Q: What happens if child support money is not used on the child does the parent go to jail?
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Does the father if on disability still have to pay back child support?

If a child is receiving money from the government because one parent has a disability, chances are that the parent will not be expected to pay child support in addition to that money. The court order that is in place controls what happens regarding support.

What happens to the money when child support puts a lien on your bank account?

They take the money...sometimes all of it depending on what is owed and process it through the states central collection unit for child support. They money is then transferred to the custodial parent.

What happens if you don't report your child doesn't live with you anymore and you get child support?

Keeping the money is theft. You will have to pay it back. The money should go to the person who have the kids and if that is none of the parents, both parent have to pay child support to that person.

What are reasons not to pay child support?

There are no valid reasons not to get child support. That money is supposed to be used to help raise the child. If the custodial parent tries to refuse child support before a judge, the judge will override the custodial parent's wishes and explain that the child support belongs to the child, not to the custodial parent.

Can a child stop past due child support?

No. That money is owed to the child's custodial parent.No. That money is owed to the child's custodial parent.No. That money is owed to the child's custodial parent.No. That money is owed to the child's custodial parent.

Does child support go up if you remarry and your new spouse make more money in ca?

Generally, no. Child support is based on the resources of the parent, not the parent's spouse.

Can an adult sue a father for not paying child support?

No, the child can not. The other parent could before the child was an adult. The money goes to the parent to use for the child and not directly to the child.

Take a parent to court for child support at 19 years old if living environment isn't stable?

Children are never entitled to child support and cannot sue their parents for child support money. Child support is a debt paid from one parent to the other.

Sole custody and child support?

Sole custody is when only 1 parent has the right to choose where their child goes to school, which doctor they see, and what religion they partake in. Child support is the money that the non-custodial parent will pay to help support the child.

Can you claim a dependent that don't receive child support money and will that affect dependent from not receiving child support money?

Claiming a dependent is not dependent on the child support issue but rather on the amount of time the child spends with each parent.

If one parent sends the child support to the other parent can the child make it go to pay for their tuition?

The child does not designate how support money is spent. The only requirement is that it go for the care of the child. However support orders may be personalized upon the request of the parent and with approval of the court for money to be set aside for specific purposes, however this is rarely done.