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The Pokemon is captured and it stays inside the pokeball as a ball of energy. It will come back out once the trainer decides that it should

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Q: What happens to Pokemon when they get sucked into a pokeball?
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What happens to a pokeball after a Pokemon is released in the animae or manga or both?

they smash the pokeball

What episode did ash get sucked into a pokeball?

Pokeball Peril.

What happens to the Pokemon you and your rival don't take on Pokemon silver and gold?

The PokeBall containing the Pokemon that neither you nor your rival took will remain at Professor Elm's desk for the rest of the game. The PokeBall will never be given out for use by you or anyone else.

What episode of Pokemon does Ash get sucked into a pokeball?

You are probably referring to episode 67, from season 1. "Showdown at the Poke'-Corral." The opening is a dream sequence in which Ash gets suctioned into a pokeball. It turns out Mr. Mime is vacuuming Ash's face.

How do you get a Pokemon to come out of its pokeball outside of battle on Pokemon sapphire?

You can't have a Pokemon come out of its Pokeball outside of battle.

What kind of pokeball do you get from a red apricorn in Pokemon soul silver?

the kind of pokeball you can get from red apricorns is a level ball. with this pokeball you can get Pokemon that have lower level than your Pokemon i hope i helped! :-)

How does you catch Pokemon?

With a pokeball...

What is a gs Pokemon ball?

The gs pokeball is a pokeball only for celebi but I don't no how to get it

What pokeball catches rainbow ponyta in Pokemon battle arena?

super pokeball

How do you capture a Pokemon using pokeball without missing?

Throw a pokeball to a Pokemon and then press b when it does its third or last move.

Where is the key to the 7th gym is it invisable or is it in a pokeball in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Its inside a pokeball inside the Pokemon mansion on Cinnabar Island

What is the strongest pokeball in Pokemon emerald?

a masterball cause it is the most powerfull pokeball with 100% catch rate to any pokemon