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They get dry itchy patches of skin.

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Q: What happens to someone who has psoriasis?
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Can you give someone psoriasis on their prostate if you have it on your elbow?

No. Psoriasis is not a contagious disease, even if you did in some way manage to bring your elbow into contact with someone's prostate.

Can a normal person have an allergic reaction to someone who has psoriasis?


Does psoriasis itch severly?

Yes it is. Take it from someone who has it.

Can someone else's large dead skin droppings cause you infection This person has psoriasis severe and leaves a skin trail everywhere. Can this cause someone else infection or disease?

Psoriasis is not in itself contagious - look at the link below for more information.

What is the DSM IV code for psoriasis?


Would Obagi Nu-derm be appropriate for someone with psoriasis to use?

I do not believe Obagi Nuderm would be good for psoriasis. Obagi Nuberm is used for deep wrinkles, acne scars, and sun damaged skin. This product is mostly used for the face, I dont believe it would be strong enough for psoriasis

How does psoriasis affect a tattoo?

Psoriasis is an immune system disorder that has no cure, but can be treated with topical creams, injections and pills. Some people with psoriasis develop new lesions when their skin gets cut (shaving etc.). Since tattoos break the skin it is possible for someone who has psoriasis to develop lesions on or around their tattoo. Each person is different and they need to use their own judgement. If you have psoriasis you can get a tattoo, but be prepared for the outcome. Your tattoo could stay clear until the day you die or it could get covered by psoriasis.

How to you say psoriasis in french?

C'est le psoriasis.

Is Psoriasis a bacteria?

No, psoriasis is not caused by a bacterium, or an infection of any kind.

Are there special kinds of food I should eat on a psoriasis diet?

According to someone with psoriasis should eat a healthy diet including whole grains and fresh produce whenever possible.

Can dogs get Psoriasis from humans?

While dogs can get psoriasis, they do not get it from humans.

What vitamin help with psoriasis?

Vitamin D is effective for psoriasis.