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Q: What happens when babies have liver failure?
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Related questions

What are the causes of fulminant liver failure?

Fulminant liver failure most commonly happens during acute viral hepatitis, but it is also the result of mushroom poisoning by Amanita phalloides and toxic reactions to some medicines, like an overdose of acetaminophen.

Is cirrhosis liver failure?

Yes, cirrhosis is the last stage of liver failure (after "fibrosis").

How do you diagnose liver failure in dogs?

Liver failure in dogs is diagnosed through a complete blood workup. Liver failure is a serious condition that requires you to work closely with your dog's veterinarian.

What are the consequences of liver failure?

Liver failure is a serious chronic medical condition which requires treatment. Liver failure signs and symptoms include ascites (swelling of the abdomen), gastrointestinal bleeding, encephalopathy, and dilation of blood vessels on the abdomen. Untreated liver failure may be fatal.

As the body tissues consume alcohol what happens?

The body cells become dependent on the alcohol, which is why too much alcohol consumption is considered an addiction. Cirrosis, or liver scarring, can occur in the liver tissues. This can result in liver failure and death.

Identify the Signs of Liver Failure?

Failure of the liver happens when a large portion of the liver is damaged and no longer able to function. Typically, liver failure is a gradual process that happens over the course of several of years. Some people however, experience acute liver failure which can occur suddenly and rapidly. This is often caused by a virus or an overdose of acetaminophen. If the virus or overdose is treated in a timely manner, the liver will often recover. It is important to be able to identify the signs of liver failure so that you can seek medical attention if you suspect that your liver is failing. In its first stages, liver failure can be difficult for doctors to diagnose since its early symptoms are also the same symptoms of many other conditions. These symptoms include fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite, and diarrhea. As liver failure progresses and becomes more serious, the symptoms also become more severe. These symptoms include a swollen abdomen, mental confusion, jaundice, bleeding easily, sleepiness and even coma. If these symptoms are experienced, the patient needs immediately medical attention as liver failure is a very serious condition. If the liver does completely fail due to deterioration, doctors will usually try to save any portion of the liver that is still functioning. If the liver has completely deteriorated, then the patient will need to receive a liver transplant. Fortunately, liver transplants have a very high success rate overall. Fortunately, liver failure is highly preventable and people can take many steps to reduce their risk of liver failure. Liver failure can be avoided by drinking alcohol in moderation. In addition, it is important to avoid taking acetaminophen if you have been drinking. Practicing proper hygiene can also help prevent viruses that cause liver failure. Practicing frequent hand washing throughout the day, especially after using the bathroom or before eating is very important. Finally, eating a healthy diet, avoiding illegal intravenous drugs, using condoms, getting a hepatitis vaccine and avoiding touching anyone else's blood are all ways to try and avoid liver failure in the first place.

What will to much alcohol do to your liver?

To much alcohol can cause liver failure.

How does a heart attack damage the liver?

A heart attack itself will not directly damage your liver unless it's related to long term heart failure. If you have right-side heart failure, your liver will not be affected. If you have left-side heart failure your liver may become enlarged.

What are the causes of flapping tremor?

Liver failure, renal failure, co2 narcosis

What is the short term effects for sars?

heart failure, respiratory failure, and liver failure, in extreme cases

What is the degenerative disease that frequently results in jaundice and ultimately liver failure?

The degenerative disease that frequently results in jaundice and ultimately liver failure is cirrhosis. This condition is characterized by the replacement of healthy liver tissue with scar tissue, leading to a loss of liver function and potential liver failure. Jaundice, or yellowing of the skin and eyes, is a common symptom of liver dysfunction in cirrhosis.

A young girl requires a liver transplant due to failure of her liver o function?

If a young girl requires a liver transplant due to failure of her liver function, she should get it done as soon as possible. Sometimes there is a waiting list.