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That parent still owes the back support.

That parent still owes the back support.

That parent still owes the back support.

That parent still owes the back support.

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That parent still owes the back support.

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Q: What happens when noncustodial parent become custodial parent and owes back support?
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What happens to child support when child is removed from custodial parent by Division of Youth and Family Services?

When the State assumes guardianship of a child, both parents become liable for child support, payable to the State as reimbursement.

What if a child moves in with grandmother is child support still owed to mother?

No, child support is only owed to the custodial parent/guardian. If the grandmother has become the custodial guardian, child support will be owed to her, instead of the mother.

Does child support stops if the non-custodial party went to Mexico?

No; however, collecting child support might become more difficult.

Can a child who has become an adult cancel back child support owed by the non-custodial parent?

No. The back child support is owed to the custodial parent and the amount due doesn't go away until it has been paid.

Does child support payments reduc once you become married?

No. Remarriage by a non custodial or custodial parent does not impact child support matters. In the US, the laws always uphold the rights of the first born child/children as opposed to those of a second marriage or relationship. The status of a non custodial parent's financial obligations to minor children does not change when he or she remarries.

How does the father become custodial parent?

court ordered

Can a non-custodial parent receive alimony?

If the parents are getting divorced, you might be able to get spousal support ("alimony" or "maintenance") for a brief period to allow you to become self-sufficient.

What is the cut off age for filing for child support if an order was never filed in the state of Texas?

There is no cut off age for establishing a child support order. Even if the child is 18 and has graduated high school, child support can still be sought from the non-custodial parent. However, the judge may determine that a reduced amount is owed, or even that no child support is owed at all, if the non-custodial parent was unaware of his parenthood or if the custodial parent never attempted to contact him to make him aware of his parenthood. Unless the child is severely handicapped, the court is not going to enter an order for support once the child has attained majority and/or become emancipated.

Actions of minors which stop child support?

Some actions of minors can stop child support, though this can vary according to state law. If the child is incarcerated, child support to the custodial parent stops, but support may have to be paid to the state youth penal system. Also, if the child takes action to become emancipated, support stops.

Can you require supervised visits for your child and his non custodial parent when the non custodial parent has just recently contracted HIV and is not paying child support?

Go back to court. The two--support and visitation--are usually not connected. Lately, drugs have had some effect on HIV and the other parent may become able to work again in time. Your child should be able to visit safely.

Is a verbal agreement with the child's mother regarding child support binding in Maine?

No. Child support in Maine is determined according to state guidelines. Any agreement you make with the custodial parent must be approved by the court and a copy will be filed with the court if approved. When it is approved it will become the current child support order.

Does a non custodial parent have to continue to pay child support if the child lives with the non custodial for a period of a year and the non custodial parent is almost 30 thousand dollars behind in?

The way it breaks down is for every month the child was with the custodial parent, that child had needs. those needs needed to be met and paid for by on of the parents, generally on a half and half basis. If the dues have been paid up until the point when the child moves into a non-custodial parents home, the laws become fuzzy, but still favor the custodial parent. Even if the child goes to live with the non-custodial parent while he/she still owes money for past due child support, he/she still must pay that as if it were a debt to a creditor. Even after the 18th birthday of the child, the "bill" still is a valid debt, and legal action may be taken if unpaid. I have known a man in his 70's paying past due child support on 3 of his children ages 40, 46, and 53.