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Q: What happens when rock is physically or chemically changed?
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Where does rock come from tell the answer?

Rock is soil compacted and changed physically and chemically over thousands of years. The changes are due to temperature, pressure and various chemicals in the area that process is taking place.

What types of sedimentary rocks are there?

Physically/mechanically formed sedimentary rock, organically/biologically formed sedimentary rock, and chemically formed sedimentary rock.

Chemical weathering occurs when minerals in rocks are changed chemically. Which of these will most likely change the rate of chemical weathering on a rock?

rainfall and temperature

Describe what happens to sediment as it is changed to sedimentary rock?

It is compacted and cemented by minerals.

What does Acid rain cause in rock?

If the rock is a limestone it will react with it chemically.

Dolostone is classified as which type of rock?

Chemically formed sedimentary rock

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What does rocks break down to?

A rock will breakdown physically into some type of sediment. Sediments such as: dirt, clay, sand, and pebbles. They can also breakdown chemically in solution.

What chemical weathering process occurs when minerals in the rock react with carbon dioxide?

Carbonation. Minerals combine chemically with H2CO3 and form a new product called...Carbonation. Which happens inside the rock :)

What kind of weathering chemically changes rock?


A chemically formed sedimentary rock composed of halite should be identified as?

rock salt

Can igneous rock be destroyed?

Yes, they can be eroded chemically and mechanically.