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All what happens is that you can't favorite or retweet their tweets, but when you mention them, it won't show up in their notifications.

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Q: What happens when someone blocks you on twitter?
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What happens when someone blocks your number?

u can't phone them

What happens if you follow anyone on twitter?

When you follow someone on Twitter, their tweets will then appear on your "timeline". This means that you don't have to go to someone's individual profile to look at their tweets.

If someone your following on twitter deletes you will they still show up on your following page?

Yes. Tweets will only disappear from your home page if the person blocks you.

What to do if a close family member blocks you on Twitter but not on Facebook?

get over it

When someone blocks you on Twitter can you still see their tweets?

If someone has blocked you on Twitter, you'll be able to send tweets to them, but it won't appear in their mentions. The only way they'd be able to see it if is they unblocked you to see it. They will be able to tweet you as normal, but they won't see what you tweet them.

What happens if your reported as spam On twitter?

If the report happens consecutively, Twitter might suspend the account you are reporting.

Can you email someone on Twitter?

No, you can't email someone on Twitter. You can direct message them (if they follow you), however, which is kind of like emailing someone.

How do you find someone on your msn that's on your Twitter?

On Twitter, you can invite your msn contacts to join Twitter.

How you can contact someone?


What Is A Twitter Spree?

There is no such thing as a "Twitter spree." Maybe it's a reference to someone using Twitter excessively.

How do you a retweet on Twitter by someone famous?

To do a retweet on Twitter by someone famous you can either use Twitter's in-built retweet function or type 'RT@username' where username is the famous person's username on Twitter and press 'tweet'.