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Pretty much everything about a volcano is deadly, but especially the ash, dust, and smoke that can suffocate you, and the extreme heat. I'm not saying that the lava itself isn't deadly, but there are other things about a volcano that can kill you. My advice: stay away from them!

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Q: What hazards of a volcano tend to be more deadly?
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The deadliest type of volcano is the cinder cone volcano. These volcanos tend to explode when they erupt, because the cinder and ash builds up inside until it bursts.

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No, not all volcanoes have snow. Whether a volcano has snow on its peak depends on its location, elevation, and climate. Some volcanic peaks in high-altitude regions do have snow, while others in warmer climates do not.

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Is there any animal life after a volcano?

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It would be most difficult to deal with an eruption from a composite volcano. Such eruptions tend te be explosive, spreading ash over large areas, and can produce highly destructive lahars and pyroclastic flows.

Are the Eyjafjallajokull eruptions violent or mild?

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