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Tissues called mesenteries that extend from the abdominal wall which is called the peritoneum.

to be short and sweet the answer is mesentery

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Q: What holds the small intestine in place?
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Clear memebrane holds small intestine in place?

The mesentery.

What is the difference between the mesentery and the mesocolon?

Mesentery is what holds all the small intestine together. Mesocolon holds the Large intestine.

Describe what a mensentary looks like in a frog?

it mostly looks like a thin jelly substance that holds the small intestine in place.

Where does most of the digestive process take place?

Small intestine

Where does absorption of protein take place?

Within the Gastrointestinal tract of the human body

The place where nutrients enters the blood?

The small intestine .

What is the membrane that holds coils of small intestine together in a frog?

The mesentery.

Where does most chemical digestion take place and nutrients are absorbed into the blood?

chemical digestion takes place in the small intestine large intestine,mouth and stomach. Nutrients are absorbed in the small intestine and minerals in the large intestine.

Where does most digestion take place in the human body?

Most of the physical digestion takes place in the stomach, but the completion and absorption is done in the small intestine.

What part connects the pancreas to the small intestine?

The pancreatic duct comes from the pancreas to the small intestine as does the accessory pancreatic duct. Pancreatic juice containing important buffers and digestive enzymes travels through these ducts into the lumen or hollow part of the duodenum or first part of the small intestine. Physically, there is some connective tissue that holds both the pancreas and small intestine in place and near each other.

What is the function of the mesentery in cat?

The pancreas is a small, light-colored. irregularly shaped organ which is held in place between the stomach and the first fold of the small intestine by this special membrane.

In your body what comes after the small intestine?

In your small intestine food is broken down in to a liquid or a solid.