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Traditional Navajo try to practice their religion at all times by balanced beautiful thought and speech. The inner and outer forms should be in a dynamic balance of complimentary pairs of polarities. Many people carry corn pollen on them in special bags for prayer. Many people get up before dawn to pray facing east and use it at other times during the day as needed. Some people pray four times a day. Ceremonies are held as needed, like a babies first laugh or a hogan blessing or a girls first menstruation or a healing ceremony. Many ceremonies last several days some up to 9 days.

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9y ago

They celebrate the Kinaaldá for a girl's puberty. It is a four day ceremony. It is said to be modeled on the deity Changing Woman's ceremony after she miraculously grew to puberty in 12 days.

There a many other ceremonies but they are held on a as need basis for blessing or healing. They are from one day to nine days long depending on the ceremony. Friends and family are always invited as that is supposed to increase the efficacy of the ceremony.

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10y ago

The Navajo or Dine' are modern Americans and celebrate all the same holidays that most Americans do. Fairs and parades are popular. Dance competitions at pow wows are popular. Veterans are very important so they are often honored. Basketball games are popular. The Miss Navajo contest is important.

Many still practice traditional religion. There are important ceremonies for a girls first period called "kinaalda". It is said to bbe the most import and many others come from it. First laugh parties for babies are popular. House blessing/cleansing ceremonies are common. There are many others for kinds of imbalance that might happen in ones life. There are important ones for if one has been at war or away from the sacred mountains too long. Others for contact with taboo or dangerous situations. Balance is very important in most of these. A Hataathli or singer (medicine man) leads these long ceremonies in a very exact way. They usually take place in a hogan ( a traditional home)

Some Navajos are members of the Native American Church NAC. This is a newer pan indian religion. Ceremonies last from sunset to sunrise an typically take place in a tepee (which is not Navajo).

Many Navajos belong to other christian religions are practice all those holidays.

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10y ago

Traditionally, the Navajo people did not celebrate holidays based on a yearly schedule. They had ceremonies on a as need basis. So, there were home blessings for new hogans and Kinaalda for girls reaching puberty, ceremonies to restore balance for returning warriors and ceremonies for various sicknesses and broken taboos. The over all theme of all Navajo ceremonies is to restore and reestablish Hozho, which is a concept of dynamic (not static) harmony, balance, beauty, health and goodness.

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