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These tests detect an increase of Luteinizing Hormone (LH)in urine.

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Q: What hormone do the home ovulation tests test for?
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What types of ovulation tests are produced by Clearblue?

Clear blue has a dual hormone indicator with a digital test display. It not only tests for the release and presence of the hormone Oestogen, but it also tests for Progesterone, as both these hormones are released during a pregnancy and ovulation.

Can you use ovulation predictor kits as early pregnancy tests?

An ovulation predictor kit is used to help women keep track of ovulation when they are trying to conceive. Pregnancy tests are designed to predict a special hormone in the body that pregnant women have. Since an ovulation kit is not designed to detect that pregnancy hormone, it cannot be used as an early pregnancy test or any other type of pregnancy test for that matter. OPK's and pregnancy test are not designed alike, and are not meant for the same purpose.

Can an Ovulation Test still work if your tubes are blocked?

yes it will still work because the test does not detect the egg, it detects the LH hormone. the hormone that comes with ovulation.

What are the types of growth hormone tests?

Somatotropin hormone test, Somatomedin C, Growth hormone suppression test (glucose loading test), and Growth hormone stimulation test (Arginine test or Insulin tolerance test).

What does a Clearblue easy ovulation test do?

Clear Blue easy ovulation test measures the amount of LH hormone and lets you know if you are ovulating at this time. This is done with a simple urination test.

Does taking the antibiotic azithromycin effect the results on a home pregnancy test?

Azithromycin won't affect a pregnancy test; pregnancy tests are dependant on hormone levels and azithromycin antibiotic doesn't affect hormone levels.

How do you know you are pregnant in early few days?

There is no real way to know until you get a positive pregnancy test. Blood tests given by dr's are usually accurate 10 to 14 after ovulation and home pregnancy tests and urine tests are usually accurate around 14 to 16 days after ovulation.

How long should you wait till take a pregnancy test after 2weeks in you tested it was negative?

Home pregnancy tests are considered accurate 14 to 16 days after ovulation. A blood test from a Dr is considered accurate 10-14 days after ovulation.

Can a fertility test detect the pregnancy hormone hCG?

No. Fertility tests are made to detect FSH not hCG. You will need to buy an actual home pregnancy test or see your Dr.

Forms of pregnancy testing?

* home pregnancy tests * or the doctor can perform a blood and urine test to check your hCG levels (pregnancy hormone levels)

Had intercourse two weeks ago will a pregnancy test work?

It will depend on when you ovulated. Home pregnancy tests work best when used 14 to 16 days after ovulation.

Can you use a ovulation test to find out if your pregnant or not?

No. An ovulation test only tells when you are ovulating and a pregnancy test only tests for pregnancy, not ovulation. The tests are designed to detect different hormones/chemicals in a female's urine