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If it is, in fact, bullying then whether or not the victim wants to recognize it as so or become offended by it, it just that: bullying.

But you should be sure it really is bullying and that you are not mistaken because you don't want to bully someone into thinking they are being bullied by others when they are not.

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Q: What if someone is getting bullied but isn't offended is that still bullying?
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Related questions

What happens after being bullied?

you just get bullied again and again. that's Wat bullying is. but you need to tell someone if u are getting bullied don't stay quiet or things can get worse sometimes.

What can be done for the bullied after the bullying?

Tell someone or teacher

What should you do to decrease the bullying?

First, you should tell an a adult if you see someone being bullied or is being bullied Note: STOP BULLYING

How do you help someone that is being bullied?

The best way to help someone who is being bullied is to let them know you are aware of the situation. It is important to also report the bullying to an adult or a leader to bring an end to the bullying.

What happens if you see someone getting bullied and you don't do anything?

Unless you participate in the actual bullying then you shouldn't be blamed for being the bystander... However, if you werebeing bullied wouldn't you want someone to do something like stand up for you or tell someone about it who can make it stop?? (:

How do you think bullying behavior can be stopped or prevented?

If you see someone getting bullied stand up for them and/or get an adult (as awful as a thought that is, It will help). either is great.

How is bullying different than cuber bullying?

bullying is different than cyber bullying because cyber bullying is done on the computer and bullying is done in person. let me give u a tip: if u r getting bullied or u know someone who is tell an adult. someone who u trust. Ex: it could be your mom, dad, uncle, aunt, or teacher but let someone know they can help u.

What is the type of bullying other than physycal verbal and cyber?

pressure bullying hasing emotinal bullying if u are or no someone who is being bullied take action now

What are the most potentially effective solutions to bullying?

One potential solution to bullying is to allow the person that is getting bullied to feel like they have a voice. To often schools implement "No tolerance" policies that make it so that if you are the person defending yourself against being bullied, you get in more trouble than the person that initiated the bullying. People that are being bullied need to know that someone is listening to them and will stand up for them against the bullies. Teachers and principals need to stop turning a blind eye to bullying.

How can one get someone to stop bullying them?

If someone is being bullied and wants to make the bullying stop, there are several things to try. They can report the bully to the police. They can also use a weapon to intimidate the bully.

Is it bad if you bully someone?

yes because bullying is now a law and if you keep bullying someone they might go out and try to kill their-selves because their being bullied you can even go to jail for that

Is it okay to do nothing if someone is getting bullied?

No. That is almost worse than the bully. If someone was bullying you, would you want someone to stick up?One does not always have to confront the bully head on to help someone out, but for the sake of someone elses emotional, physical, and psychological health, it is best to do something within reason that will help to end the bullying.All in all, if someone knows there is a way to stop the bullying of another and they are, in fact, not afraid to do something, then no, it is not okay to do nothing at all while another gets bullied.