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If you have not basement and no windowless rooms the bathroom is probably your best bet, particularly in a bathtub. If you live in a manufactured home you should abandon the home for a more sturdy structure.

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Q: What if you have a 1 story house and no storm cellar with all the rooms having windows and a tornado happens what will you do?
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Why does heat escape from windows and doors?

Heat escapes from windows and doors because there is a gap or hole around them. Having these gaps will increase a heat bill. They should be fixed as soon as possible.

What are precautionary measures against flood?

having a house on stilts, not building homes near to water or flood areas, not having glass windows, and having a community safety center that you can go to in the event of a flood as well as building dams and or levees

When is it more dangerous to drive on the road Tornado or when it is snowing fast with ice on the road?

It is never a good idea to outrun a tornado in a motor vehicle, as their paths are unpredictable. They change directions quickly and without warning. However, they are a localized event. Icy roads, on the other hand are a widespread event. There is a higher likelihood of having an accident by driving fast on an icy road.

What is the relative size of a thunderstorm and hurricane and tornado?

A hurricane is hundreds to thousands of times larger than a tornado. The average hurricane is about 300 miles wide, with the largest exceeding 1300 miles. The average tornado is 50-100 yards wide, with the largest being about 2.5 miles wide.

Why must not carry dry ice in car?

If you carry a very large quantity of dry ice in a car with the windows rolled up, the CO2 gas that sublimes off the dry ice will displace all the oxygen and you'll suffocate. But a little dry ice and having the windows rolled down would be perfectly safe.

Related questions

What do you do if a tornado warning is issued for your area?

When a tornado warning is issued you need to get to the lowest level of your home. Got to a basement or storm cellar if you have one. If not, go into a closet or a bathroom bathtub or some interior room on the lowest floor. If you live in a trailer home, leave it for more substantial shelter. This shelter should be planned out in advance. Having flashlights a battery-operated radio on hand is recommened, as power may go out even if a tornado does not strike. If possible, find something to cover yourself with. Do not waste time trying to open windows.

What are the benefits of a cellar tracker?

Having a cellar tracker can be beneficial for some. Having an online database at your finger tips to compare your wine with thousands of others can be beneficial.

What did alfie see in the cellar on house of Anubis?

the soicety having a meeting.

What happens if you don't configure a password for windows xp?

When XP starts you go directly to the desktop without having to log on.

How do you calm down in a tornado watch?

If there is a tornado watch what you have to remember is that it does not mean there is an imminent threat of tornadoes. Even when you area is under a tornado watch, your chances of actually having a tornado are still quite small.

How can students in college be remove for just having a cellar phone?

just complain a professor as he/she giving answers from mobile in lacture

When did the Joplin tornado end?

The Joplin tornado dissipated at 6:12 PM on May 22, 2011 after having been on the ground for 38 minutes.

Why should you take shelter underground during a tornado?

In a tornado it is best to get as low as possibly in order to protect yourself from the wind and debris. Having a few feet of earth between you and the tornado provides quite a bit of protection.

What are the benefits of having plastic shutters for windows?

The benefits of having plastic shutters for windows is that the Luxaflex Plastic Shutters can be fitted to windows. Luxaflex Plastic Shutters come with a 25 year guarantee.

Where can one find chat help if one is having problems with Windows?

If one is having problems with Windows, one can find chat help at Windows live support. The techs there are always ready to provide help to users that have problems with Windows.

What are a few advantages of having Everest windows?

Some advantages of having Everest windows are the fact that they are sound proofing, contain heat, and are good for security.

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There really is no benefit in using or having Windows Vista on your personal or business computer.