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Q: What impact did the Scientific Revolution have on the French Revolution?
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it led to the fall of the french monarch

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the scientific revolution was believed to change history of course and people socially and intellectually

How did Napoleon impact the French Revolution?

he didn't

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Beethoven belonged to a generation of artists who were influenced by the full impact of what revolution?

The French Revolution

What 2 revolutions were directly affected by the enlightenment ideas?

American Revolution and French Revolution. They were both justified themselves with Enlightenment ideals.

How this idea of government being a social contract impacted the French Revolution?

the Social Contract didn't impact the French Revolution in anyway.

Which revolution had a long lasting effect french or haitian?

Each had their own significance. On a world terms the French revolution had a greater impact.

How did Anton van Leeuwenhoek impact the Scientific Revolution?

By inventing compound microscope.