

Why did the apartheid happen?

Updated: 8/22/2023
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13y ago

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The word Apartheid is not the whole story. It was "Aparte Ontwikkeling" meaning separate development.

The country was divided into separate independent states called homelands these were the areas where different tribes/races lived before the migration to the inland, these states were then suppose to operate independently enabling every nation to govern themselves.

Remember that the Zulu drove people from where Zimbabwe and Mozambique today is down (along the coast to SA) into where SA now. At the same time the white Boere moved inland away from oppression by the English in the Cape.

there were constant conflicts between the Boer and the different tribes so they (the leaders of all the different groups) had to decide wat land belonged to wat group. Like the Basotho was a scattered people that fled the Zulu into the highlands in central SA, They came into contact with the Boere living there. Lesotho an independent state was a kind of truce between the Boere and the Basotho to keep the peace (see Witsies, the leader of some of the Basotho at the time). Similar stated were formed by the Apartheid government and so the establishment of the homelands.

This system was probably doomed from the beginning, lots of money was poured into these homelands, schools and black only Universities (that still exist today though) was installed but mainly greed from Xhosa terrorist groups made the country ungovernable, the blacks living in SA had mass actions like boycotting schools, refusal to pay for services and mass strikes. This made development of the homeland imposable leading to the vast hind fall of people living in these areas. And make no mistake unlike the Americans some of the best land was given to especially the Xhosa who received the homeland Transkei today the poorest district in SA.

Please do yourself a favor and read "recipe to poverty" and "Architects of Poverty", written by Moeletsi Mbeki" former presedent of the "New SA" he explains that Africans are ruled by Africans by poverty, and the same was used to destroy the Apartheid System.

First Answer (do you have the ability to read?):

Inferiority complex of white people


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14y ago
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14y ago

Apartheid is the name for a collection of laws and policies enacted by the South African government, that stipulated a legal distinction between whites ("Europeans") and non-whites ("Black" or "Non-European"). This was due to a largely held white supremacist stance within the then ruling government, the National Party (Nasionale Party in Afrikaans). The most notable supporter of Apartheid was H. F. Verwoerd, also known as the Architect of Apartheid, who instituted the Bantu Education Act, knowing that poorly educated black people would pose a diminished threat to the white supremacist rule.

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9y ago

Apartheid is simply separation of races.

Apartheid is a system that was used by the South African white government, pre 1994, which ensured that white people received all the privilege's; remained superior and enjoyed the wealth and riches of the country (RSA) while black people remained marginalised, segregated; imprisoned and in the worst of conditions of poverty in their own land.

What it did: It robbed the black man of all of his dignity and pride, and it made him a slave in his own mother land - and it made him VERY ANGRY because he can still see strangers enjoying all the wealth of his mother land while all he can is just watch and have to beg for a job just to put food on the table.

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9y ago

apartheid is the law system in which segregates black south africans from white south africans.

people want to change it because people wanted peaceful organisation and to live to together.

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10y ago

This is depend on human mind because Not very thing in ours hand mate . But

In consecration More human Mummer To tens you /


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13y ago

people were mad!

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