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Translation: whoever wants [to do "x"] can

The brackets refer to information that would implied by a larger context.

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who wants, can.

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Q: What is 'Qui veut peut' when translated from French to English?
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What is 'Que veut dire en français' when translated from French to English?

Que veut dire en français? in French is "What does (it) mean?" in English.

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Mon fils veut un ballon vert! in French is "My son wants a green ballon!" in English.

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Qui veut faire un bébé avec vous? in French means "Who wants to make a baby with you?" in English.

What does veut mean in french?

It translates to wants in English.

What is 'Qui veut avoir un bébé avec vous' when translated from French to English?

"Who wants to have a baby with you?" is an English equivalent of the French phrase Qui veut avoir un bébé avec vous? The question also translates as "Who wants to have one baby with you?" in English. The pronunciation will be "kee vuh-ta-vwa-reh bey-bey a-vek twa" in French.

What word are the same in french and enlish?

pizza ex. i want pizza-english. je veut pizza-french

Ca veut dire french for what?

"Ca veut dire" is French for "That is to say". It translates to "it means"; for example, " 'hello' veut dire bonjour en français" (hello means bonjour in French).

How do you say 'which means I rarely eat sweets' in French?

... which means that I rarely eat sweets' is translated '... ce qui veut dire que je mange rarement des bonbons' in French.

What is 'My name is Charlotte and it means little and womanly' when translated from English to French?

mon prénom est Charlotte, et cela signifie / cela veut dire petite et féminine en français

How do you say she wants me in french?

Elle me veut

How do you say he wants in french?

Il veut.

What is french word for want to die?

veut mourir