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Un film en anglais in French means "a film in English" in English.

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Q: What is 'un film en anglais' when translated from French to English?
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What is 'Bye forever' when translated from English to French?

Adieu pour toujours! is a French equivalent of the English phrase "Bye forever!" The greeting most famously references a film by Sidney Lanfield from 1938. The pronunciation will be "a-dyuh poor too-zhoor" in French.

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French is the most commonly spoken language in French films. Other languages may also be spoken depending on the context of the film, such as English, Spanish, or Arabic.

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"Long live love!" is an English equivalent of the French phrase Vive l'amour! The interjection and masculine singular definite article and noun most famously reference a Taiwanese New Wave film of 1994. The pronunciation will be "veev la-moor" in French.

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"Count on my long experience!" is an English equivalent of the French phrase Croyez en ma vieille expérience! The phrase most famous occurs in the film Le roi et l'oiseau ("The King and the Bird") by French animator Paul Grimault (Mar. 23, 1905-Mar. 29, 1994) and translates literally as "Believe in my ancient experience" in English. The pronunciation will be "kra-ye-zaw ma vyeh-yek-spey-ryaws" in French.

What is 'très jolie prise' when translated from French to English?

"Very attractive shot" in photography, "very nice hold (move)" in sports, and "very pretty take" in film are just some of the English equivalents of the French phrase très jolie prise. The pronunciation of the superlative feminine singular phrase will be "treh zho-lee preez" in French.

In what year did the French film Small Change release?

The French film 'Small Change' was released in the year 1976 on March 17. It actually translated from French as 'pocket money' but because there was a movie already with that title the name had to be changed.

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"On y va pour regarder un film" translates to "Let's go to watch a movie". Normally pour means for but when pour is used to indicate an objective, it translates to to.

How do you say 'jaws' in french?

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What is 'Let's see a movie' when translated from English to Italian?

Vediamo un film! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Let's see a movie!" The statement also translates as "Let's see one film!" or "We see a film" according to English contexts . The pronunciation will be "vey-DYA-mo oon feelm" in Pisan Italian.

What film was about a pakistani grandfather travelling with his grandson to find the son who relocated for work It was a French production from the early 2000's?

Bonjour is the french film that is about a Pakistani grandfather and grandson. This movie is not in English.