

Best Answer

That it's the same as before birth.

What happens to the flame when you blow out a match?

Life ends.

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Q: What is Secular belief after death?
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What is an example of a secular belief?

Science is an example of a secular belief! As Robert Pirsig explains in "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance", people who call themselves secular, often believe in Science. There are inherent flaws in this tool that we take for granted as an absolute yardsticks. Although it has advanced technology and medicine, it not superior to religions for understanding reality.

What is a creation?

The non-secular belief that God created the world. The secular event that bounds a reality in existence from non-existence.

What a creation?

The non-secular belief that God created the world. The secular event that bounds a reality in existence from non-existence.

What is the secular belief of the afterlife?

All concepts of the afterlife are religious until such time as science demonstrates the existence of and conditions of the afterlife. As a result, there is no secular belief as concerns the afterlife.

What is Ghana belief?

Ghana is a secular state, but the main religion is Christianity followed by Islam.

What is meaning of the word secular?

Secular refers to things that are not religious or spiritual in nature, or that are not connected to a particular religious belief system. It can also refer to the separation of religion and government in a society.

What is Ghana's religious belief?

Ghana is a secular state, but the main religion is Christianity followed by Islam.

What indicates a belief in the afterlife in Egypt?

The belief egyptians indicated the belief after death.

What is the definition for secular movement?

A secular movement is a social or political movement that advocates for the separation of religion and government, as well as the promotion of secular principles in society. It seeks to ensure that government decisions are based on reason and evidence rather than religious beliefs.

What is true of a secular activity?

A secular activity is not tied to any specific religion or belief system. It is typically characterized by being non-religious or not associated with religious practices or beliefs.

What is common in religions and beliefs and secular Systems without it any of them could not survive?

faith, belief Does the above answer mean that the knowledge addressed to the followers of a secular ruling System is also based on "faith" or "belief"? To my knowledge, I don't think it is and this leads us that the common thing is actually not faith or belief. (Note: please move this reply to the discussion page when the answer is improved. Thank you.)