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A dire wolf is a wolf that lived quite some time ago. There was nothing too special about it, but it no longer exists.

Another possible animal you may be talking about is the fantasy, Dire wolf. That wolf is commonly mentioned in D&D as well as many other games and books. This fantasy Dire wolf is nothing like the actual dire wolf, besides its wolfness. The actual dire wolf was not a spawn of evil or some huge wolf ridden by goblins. The real thing was just a big wolf.

it was a wolf that was to the normal wolf what the tiger is to the lion bigger stronger faster lonlier. The Dire wolf was about as tall as the smallest gray wolf today is (just a little over 24inches at the shoulder). The thing is, they were really heavy, but the average gray wolf alive today towers over it.

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8y ago

The Dire Wolf is a wolf that lived 10,000, years ago. It is two times bigger then the average Timber Wolf. These wolves died out because of a sticky tar, would rise from above the magma bellow and freeze in the winter, but would become sticky in the summer. Prey would get stuck and stupid, big and slow Dire Wolves would go in there, but get stuck. The intelligent, small and fast Timber Wolf saw this and did not go extinct. Scientists still find the bones in the tar.

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Q: What are the dire wolves predators?
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