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One of the most popular and well known rituals of the ancient egyptains during the 90 day long process of mumification is the opening of the mouth ritual. During this ritual a priest would take the dead person and open the mouth say spells and prayers over the person. Through the ritual, or ceramony, the dead person was thought to be able to use all of his senses in his/her tomb. This allowed the dead person to communicate with the living people and accept food and drink from the priests in order to sustain the ka, the spirit of the person. This ritual was common practiced much and is one of the most known ceramonies that the egyptians performed. It involved several instruments.

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The brain and internal organs are removed. The brain is removed through the nostrils with a hook. The brain was thrown out because they considered it as useless. The organs were put in canopic jars with lids (depicting the heads of Horus's sons), the heart remained in the body. Then they covered the body with NAtron (a kind of salt) so that the body would ry out. After several days they removed the Natron and put bandages of linen around the body. In the layers of the linen they placed some amulets to protect the dead's soul from the bad spirits. The, they put a decorated mask on the head and put the body into a coffin (usually wooden coffin, sometimes into several coffins), then they put the set of coffins into a sarcophagus (made of stone). According to their religion, Anubis was the god of embalming (the one with a jackal head).

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