

What is a stir-up on a horse?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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A stirrup is not a part of a horse, but rather a part of a saddle that a horse wears.

Stirrup leathers are leather strips with holes punched every inch, in which a buckle fits. The stirrup leathers hold the stirrups (on a western saddle) or irons (on an English saddle) which is what the rider places his foot in. The ball of the foot is balanced into the stirrup.

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Q: What is a stir-up on a horse?
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Most people use a mounting block or set of small steps. Firstly you need to put your horse in line with the mouting block, place your left leg into the stirup and with a small jump, straighten your left leg so you are hovering over the horses back and swing your right leg over the horses rump until you are in the correct seating position. Alternativly you can get on from the ground or be given a "leg up" A leg up consists of you and another person. You have to raise your left leg and bend it outwards and your helper will securly grasp your knee, you then jump hard up high pulling yourself into the saddle whilst your helper pushes your leg up helping you get on. remember to always check your girth before mounting and if needed ask a friend to hold your horse while you mount. Have fun ~Laura~

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Engish: Horse - Horse Spanish: Horse - Caballo French: Horse - Cheval German: Horse - Pferd Italian: Horse - Cavallo Dutch: Horse - Paard Danish: Horse - Hest Finnish: Horse - Hevonen Romanian: Horse - Calul Serbian: Horse - Kultura

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in shakespeare's play, he wrote "a horse! a horse! my kingdom for a horse!"

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Its called a seahorse or the river horse. Another popular name for the camargue horse is the horse of the sea

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