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A trap instruction is a software interrupt. It's generated by an error or by a user program when it needs the operating system to perform an operation (a system call).

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Q: What is a trap instruction?
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What is the difference between system call and trap?

A system call is started with some form of trap-instruction.

How can you trap mask in 8085 microprocessor?

The TRAP instruction in the 8085 is NONMASKABLE, which means it cannot be masked, i.e. it cannot be disabled. The only way to mask or disable TRAP is with external hardware, such as an I/O pin and an AND gate.

What action is taken when the processor under execution is interrupted by TRAP in 8085MPU?

Processor serves the interrupt request after completing the execution of the current instruction.

When trap interrupt line is checked by 8085 microprocessor?

In the 8085, trap, intr, and rstx.5 lines are checked on the falling edge of clock, at the beginning of the last T cycle of an instruction, or approximately one clock cycle before ALE.

What is the difference between trap and interrupt?

Trap is actually a software generated interrupt caused either by an error (for example division by zero, invalid memory access etc.), or by an specific request by an operating system service generated by a user program. Trap is sometimes called Exception. The hardware or software can generate these interrupts. When the interrupt or trap occurs, the hardware therefore, transfer control to the operating system which first preserves the current state of the system by saving the current CPU registers contents and program counter's value. after this, the focus shifts to the determination of which type of interrupt has occured. For each type of interrupt, separate segmants of code in the operating system determine what action should be taken and thus the system keeps on functioning by executing coputational instruction, I/O instruction, torage instruction etc.

What are the differences between a trap and an interrupt?

Trap is actually a software generated interrupt caused either by an error (for example division by zero, invalid memory access etc.), or by an specific request by an operating system service generated by a user program. Trap is sometimes called Exception. The hardware or software can generate these interrupts. When the interrupt or trap occurs, the hardware therefore, transfer control to the operating system which first preserves the current state of the system by saving the current CPU registers contents and program counter's value. after this, the focus shifts to the determination of which type of interrupt has occured. For each type of interrupt, separate segmants of code in the operating system determine what action should be taken and thus the system keeps on functioning by executing coputational instruction, I/O instruction, torage instruction etc.

What is the use of direction flag and Trace flag in 8086?

The direction flag (DF) controls the direction of repeated string instructions. The trap flag (TF) executes one instruction and then executes a debug (INT 1) instruction so that a debugger can single step through a program.

What is masking in 8085?

Masking in the 8085 is when certain interrupts are disabled, or masked, by instruction execution. TRAP is not maskable. INTR, RST7.5, RST6.5, and RST5.5 are maskable as a group with the EI and DI instructions. RST7.5, RST6.5, and RST5.5 are selectively maskable, even after the EI instruction, by using the RIM and SIM instructions.

What is a legal and commonly used trap bell trap S trap drum trap or P trap?

Which of the following is a legal and commonly used trap? bell trap S trap drum trap P trap

What is a legal and commonly used trap bell trap S trap drum trap P trap?

which of the following is a legal and commonly used trap? bell trap S trap drum trap or P trap

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Steam trap? Grease trap? moisture trap (drip leg)? Running trap? "P" trap? Drum trap. 1/2 S trap? sediment trap?

Legal and commonly used trap?

P trap, Running trap, Grease trap , sediment trap,