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Taken from the Official English Rulebook: ...However, for Monsters that are Level 5 or higher, you must Tribute at least 1 monster you control before the Normal Summon. This is called a Tribute Summon. Monsters that are Level 5 or 6 require 1 Tribute and Monsters that are Level 7 or higher require 2 Tributes. Monsters that are Tributed are sent to the Graveyard and the "Tribute Monster" you are Summoning is played in face-up Attack position or face-down Defense position (a.k.a. a "Set").

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Q: What is a tribute monster?
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Can you tribute a Special Summoned monster?

You can tribute a special summoned monster, yes.

Can you Tribute Summon a level 7 monster by tributing a level 5 monster?

A level 7 monster needs two tributes; you can tribute a level 5 monster but must also tribute a second monster.

Can you Tribute Summon a level 8 monster by tributing a level 5 monster?

A Level 8 monster needs two tributes, so you can tribute a Lv5 monster, but must also tribute a second monster too.

Can you Tribute Summon a level 7 monster by tributing a level 6 monster?

A level 7 monster needs two tributes, so you can tribute a level 6 monster but must also tribute a second monster.

Can you Tribute Summon a level 8 monster by tributing a level 6 monster?

A level 8 monster needs two tributes, so you can tribute a level 6 monster but must also tribute a second monster.

How do you summon a skeleton for real?

It is a Lv6 Normal Monster so can be Tribute Summoned by offering one monster as tribute.

Can you put a set monster up for tribute?

You can tribute a monster when an effect instructs you to, or you need to do so as a cost. So you can tribute a monster for a tribute summon only in your own main phases, when there is no chain in progress. You can however tribute a monster for one of Enemy Controller's effects at Spell Speed 2, in either player's turn, in any phase.

Can XYZs be used in tribute summons?

Yes, you can tribute an XYZ monster to tribute summon something.

Can you tribute a 4 star monster for a monster that is 7 stars?

yes you can

Can a monster in face up attack position be sent to the graveyard in order to normal summon a level 4 or lower monster onto the field?

No... a level 4 monster can be summoned without a tribute monster, but a level 5 and 6 needs 1 tribute monster and level 7 and so on needs 2 tribute monsters.

Can you tribute summon a monster face down?

Yes, monsters may be 'tribute set'.

Can you attack in the same turn you tribute summon a monster?

Yes, you can attack with the Tribute Summoned monster unless a card effect tells it not to or it is after the Battle Phase.