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One of the factors changed is temperature - the more distant, the colder. This would also mean a difference in the brightness of the daylight.

Also the period of orbit, the more distant planet move more slowly and have a much longer 'year'. But the planet's day (period of rotation' is not clearly related. Venus and Mercury have very long periods of rotation - Mercury was once thought to have one face permanently facing the sun but this was wrong. Mars, curiously, has a day almost the same lenght as Earth. No good reason for this.

It used to be thought that rocky planets formed near the sun and big planets like Jupiter formed beyond the 'snow line' in the primitive solar system, places where there was lots of gas and ice. But planets beyond our solar system include 'hot Jupiters' that break that rule.

Number of moons, maybe. The influence of the sun makes it harder for a stable moon to exist round a rocky planet. This too is a bit uncertain, no planet beyond the solar system has been proven to have a moon, though that could change soon.

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Q: What is affected by the distance of the planets from the sun?
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All planets and other objects in the solar system orbit the Sun because of its gravity.

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All those in our solar system

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if you are asking "what is the relation of the planet's temperature to it's distance from the sun" then the answer is: Planets closer to the sun tend to be warmer than planets further from the sun.

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10000000023 km

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