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The xml property returns the XML of a node and its descendants.

Dimension is a type used for a variety of purposes for defining values

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Q: What is difference between XML property and XML dimension?
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What is difference between XML and valid xml?

You can compare this with English usage. I can say to you, "Jeet yet?" and you would probably understand me to mean, "Did you eat yet?" One of these sentences is valid English, the other is questionable. In the same way you can write valid XML and you can write XML with numerous imperfections. Many XML language processors are capable of understanding both. However, it's safer to write valid XML.

What is difference between xml and properties file?

Properties file uses only name value pairs where as xml file uses hierarchical name value and the value can be defined by attributes too.

What are the difference between xml and sgml?

SGML had a variety of rules that made it difficult to parse correctly, and less legible than XML. XML was made to be more machine and human friendly. Both languages are otherwise remarkably similar, including DTDs and validation, as one would expect, since SGML was the ancestor of XML.

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GML is a standard of the OGC and ISO (ISO 19136). G-XML is a standard of the Japanese Standards Association (JSA). Both standards are based on XML for the encoding of geographic information, however, G-XML is focused on location based services. G-XML is written in GML as a GML application schema.

What is the difference between xml and c?

XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is a set of rules for encoding documents. For example, XML can be used to define the rules of a particular file format such as HTML. It is not a programming language. C is a general purpose programming language which is used to write software.

What is the difference between xml and wsdl?

XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is a set of rules for encoding documents. The rules could describe anything from the rules of HTML to various file formats. WSDL (Web Services Description Language) provides a model for describing web services. WSDL uses the XML to specify its rules.