

What is do you mean by bedraggled?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is do you mean by bedraggled?
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How can' bedraggled' be used in a sentence?

bedraggled means scrufy so..... The bedraggled old man was caught shop lifting

Use the word Bedraggled in a sentence?

She presented a bedraggled appearance. The begraggled vagrant stood on the corner.

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What are the synonyms of shabby?

Bedraggled, neglected, shoddy, squalid, desolate...

Is scruffy an adjective?

Yes, it is. It means shabby, untidy, or unkempt. (The connotation is dirty, ragged, or bedraggled.)

What is another word for wet and muddy that starts with bed?

The word is bedraggled. It means dirty from being in rain and mud.

What does bedragged mean?

Do you mean bedraggled? If so, it means the way a girl would look if she stood out in the rain in her best prom dress for a half an hour. How a guy would look if he was obliged to help push pigs onto a truck while wearing his best suit. It means dirty and disheveled.

How do you use bedraggle in a sentence?

After having to paddle his way through the slimy bog he was in a state of bedraggle.

Can you wet parakeets?

Un-answerable question - except to say that it is possible to wet almost anything if given the right circumstances. Almost all birds with bath in water and all become at least somewhat bedraggled when they have done so.

Do americanas chickens molt?

Americanas and every other bird has to go through a yearly moult. They change from a bedraggled worn out bird to a real beauty with fresh, young feathers. It's sort of like when your dog or cat sheds. It's just time to change old for new.

What is a antonym for the word scraggly?

well groomed, Synonyms:badly dressed, badly worn, bedraggled,dilapidated, dingy, dirty, dishevelled, frayed,frazzled, full of holes, grubby, grungy, in tatters,messy, moth-eaten, scruffy, shabby, sloppy,tacky*, tattered, threadbare, torn, unclean,uncombed, ungroomed, unkempt, worse for wear