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Effacement of the anterior thecal sac means something is rubbing on the sac around the nerves that hang from the bottom of the spinal cord. This is usually a bone spur or other benign mass.

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1mo ago

Effacement of the anterior thecal sac refers to compression of the thecal sac in the spine due to conditions like disc herniation or spinal stenosis. This compression can lead to symptoms like pain, numbness, or weakness in the back or limbs. Treatment options may include physical therapy, medications, or surgery depending on the severity of the compression.

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Q: What is effacement of the anterior thecal sac?
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What is the anterior thecal sac?

The anterior thecal sac is a membrane that surrounds the spine. It acts as protection to the spinal cord and the cauda equina.

What is complete effacement of the thecal sac?

Complete effacement of the thecal sac refers to a condition where the space surrounding the spinal cord (thecal sac) is compressed or narrowed to the point where it is no longer visible on imaging studies such as MRI. This can be due to disc herniation, spinal stenosis, or other spinal abnormalities, and may result in symptoms such as pain, numbness, or weakness in the back or extremities. Treatment may involve conservative measures like physical therapy, medications, or in severe cases, surgical intervention.

What is thecal sac flattening?

Thecal sac flattening occurs when a herniated disc has into the spinal canal that it is pushing on the thecal sac. The thecal sac is the membrane of dura mater that surrounds the spinal cord and the cauda equina.

What is moderate central thecal sac effacement and mild bilateral foraminal stenosis?

At C2-3, a broad-based disk bulge. Spinal canal and formina are patent

What is prognosis of a mild effacement of ventral thecal sac without significant spinal canal stenosis.?

mild disfuse disc bulging with subtle 72 hyperintense signal

What does effacement of the left ventral thecal sac and possible minmal flattening of left central cervical spinal cord at c5-c6 Left framinal stenosis particularly proximal at this level mean?

Ventral means in front. Thecal sac means the sac that contain the spinal cord and cerebro spinal fluid. Effacement of the ventral thecal sac means pressure is upon the front of the sac (producing a flattening effect) most likely from a disc protrusion. Foramen means hole (where the nerve comes out of from the spinal cord). Stenosis means narrowing (usually from bony degeneration or disc herniation/protrusion/or bulge). Left foraminal stenosis means narrowing of the passageway where the nerve comes through.

How do you cure thecal sac?

The thecal sac is a normal part of the human anatomy and doesn't need to be cured.

Can thecal sac be cured?

The thecal sac is a normal part of the human body. It is not a condition that needs to be cured.

What is deformity of the thecal sac?

A thecal sac deformity is usually associated with a herniated disc, however some thecal sac deformities are congenital. If the deformity is associated with a herniated disc, surgery may be recommended.

What is impingement upon the thecal sac?

The thecal sac is the covering for the spinal cord. This can be seen on an MRI. Impingement means that something is pressing on it.

What is mild anterior disc margin osteophytes?

posterior disc osteophyte at c5 c6 mild indentation on anterior thecal sac. there is uncinate spurring with left formaminal narrowing c5 c6 . would this require surgery?

What is the lumbar thecal sac?

The lumbar thecal sac is a membrane that surrounds the spinal cord. It is filled with cerebral spinal fluid. It is in the lower back.