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In English there are no masculine or feminine forms. English uses gender specific nouns for male or female.

The noun knight is a word for a warrior of olden times who fought on horseback to serve a king. There is no corresponding noun for a female.

The noun for a male of high rank is lord. The corresponding noun for a female is lady.

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Q: What is feminine equivalent of the word knight of lord?
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Is the French word 'acteur' feminine or masculine?

The French word acteur is masculine in gender. The masculine singular noun, whose feminine equivalent is actrice, means "actor" in English. The pronunciation will be "ak-tuhr" in the masculine and "ak-treess" in the feminine in French.

What is the French translation of the English word 'Savannah'?

Savane is a French equivalent of the English word savannah.Specifically, the French word is a feminine noun. It may be preceded by the feminine singular definite article la("the") or the feminine singular indefinite article une ("a, one"). The pronunciation will be "sah-vahn" in French.

What is the masculine noun for lady?

In English there are no masculine or feminine forms. English uses gender specific nouns for male or female. The corresponding gender specific nouns for"lady" are "gentleman" (ladies and gentlemen) or "lord" (lord and lady) depending on context. Still another is "knight" (the knight and his lady).

What is feminine equivalent of the word comedian?

Answer: I believe the correct answer is comedienne although you stumped me for awhile. If memory serves me correctly, 'comedienne' was used more frequently when I was a child. I know I saw that word more often when I was younger and I rarely see it nowadays. The reasoning for that is open to interpretation, but I do believe the answer to the question "What is the feminine equivalent of the word comedian?" is comedienne. comedienne

What is the English word 'pathetic' in French?

Pathétique is a French equivalent of the English word "pathetic."Specifically, the French word is an adjective. It has the same form in the feminine and the masculine. The pronunciation is "pah-teh-teek."

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