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A Red Giant

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Q: What is formed when an average size star uses up it's fuel and it outer layer expands?
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Is 2012 armeggdon?

No. In about 4 billion years when the sun shucks its outer layer of gas and expands into a red giant, swallowing earth in its outer layers; then it will be 'armageddon'. Have a good 2013 :D

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yes it takes off the silicon outer layer formed by the weather

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The outer layer of the tooth is enamel.

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The outer layer is the cuticle.

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Onion-skin weathering is the process when a rock is repeatedly subjected to heat and cold, and in the process it expands or contracts resulting for the outer layer to peel off.

What is the outer layer of a gas terrestrial planet?

The outer layer is atmosphere.

What causes the outer layer of the earth to move?

The outer layer of the earth's surface is made of plates. These plates are pushed by new land that is formed at rifts in the middle of the ocean where the surface is very thin. Lava squeezes up and out to the side from these rifts.

What layer of skin is the outer layer of skin?

The epidermis is the outer layer of skin. The dermis is beneath the epidermis.

What layer of skin is beneath the outer layer?

The epidermis is the outer layer of skin. The dermis is beneath the epidermis.

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The outer layer of the sun is called the corona.

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The Outer Layer Of The Earth Is The Crust.Isn't it the Lithosphere?

Is the outer layer of the earth the coolest layer?

the outer layer of the Earth is the coolest layer and the core is the hottest at 5500 degrees Celsius.