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his nickname is Poppy

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floppy bush

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yes he did

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Q: What is George Bush nickname?
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What was George W. Bush's Nickname?

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Did George W. Bush have a nickname?

"Dubya", a version of "W" with a Texas accent.

How did George HW Bush get the nickname poppy?

Bush familiy's historical involvement with opium trafficking.

41 is a nickname for which US President?

"41" is a nickname used on occasion when referring to George Herbert Walker Bush. He was the forty-first president of the United States of America.

What president had the nickname w?

43rd president George W. Bush (Dubya)

Which president had the nickname Poppy?

George H W Bush was nicknamed Poppy.

Which us preisdent was given the nickname poppy?

George H. W. Bush, the 41st president of the United States, was given the nickname Poppy. This nickname was given to him after his son, 43rd US president George W. Bush, took office so that the two could be distinguished from one another.

Does George W. Bush have a nikname?

Yes he has several. Some call him Bush Jr or Bush 43 to show difference between him and his father George H.W. Bush. Some call him W. and someone came up with the nickname Shrub for him.

Which President has the nickname Dubya?

Dubya for George W. Bush, an exaggeration of Texan pronunciation of the name of the letter 'w', President Bush's middle initial.

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George Bush!George Bush!George Bush!George Bush!George Bush!George Bush!9/11George Bush!

What is George W Bush's nickname?

One of George W. Bush's nicknames is "W" (pronounced as "Dubya"), to distinguish him from his father. Some call him "Poppy". The Secret Service may have an altogether different slant on this issue.