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Diagnosis requires the use of a special test called fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in which a DNA probe for the elastin gene is labeled with a brightly colored fluorescent dye.

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Williams syndrome can be confirmed by a blood test, fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) or targeted mutation analysis.

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Q: What are some screening tests for Williams syndrome?
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Who are some famous people with Williams syndrome?

Gabrielle Marion-Rivard, a Canadian actress, has this disorder. She starred in the film "Gabrielle," and won the Canadian Screen Award for Best Actress in 2014. There have been no other famous people in Hollywood who have openly admitted to a diagnosis of Williams syndrome, which is a rare neurodevelopmental disorder caused by an absence of 26 genes from chromosome 7. Some debilitating characteristics of Williams Syndrome include developmental delay, cardiovascular problems, and an "elfin" facial appearance. The syndrome was first identified in 1961 by New Zealander J.C.P. Williams.

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How much is a blood test before cosmetic surgery?

Routine screening for most cosmetic surgery procedures can be purchsed privately for under £ 100. Some Plastic Surgeons feel that blood tests are not required for some procedures

How is Pickwickian Syndrome diagnosed?

Some tests that can be used to diagnose this condition include echocardiography to determine heart enlargement or pulmonary hypertension. Giving the patient multiple sleep latency tests can help give an objective measurement of daytime sleepiness.

What part of the body does William syndrome affect?

Parts of the heart are affected, there is a greater risk of hypercalcemia and hypertension. There will also be some visual symptoms too, such as widely spaced teeth and a flatish nose. Dental abnormalities are very common in patients suffering from Williams Syndrome.

Are not all test sent to labs?

Some tests can be done in the office. Most preliminary urinalysis is indeed done in the office. For example pregnancy testing and drug screening are done in the office immediately. Most blood tests are sent off but simple procedures like iron (anemia screen) can be done immediately.

What are specific tests done for chickenpox or shingles?

Chicken pox and shingles are clinical diagnoses, which means there are usually no tests performed. If the person appears very ill or if the diagnosis is not obvious, some blood tests may be performed to ensure no other process is occurring. For instance, in children with chicken pox, if they have been given aspirin for fever or other symptoms, Reye syndrome is a life-threatening complication that may occur, resulting is severe illness, neurologic symptoms, liver failure, and not infrequently, death. Fortunately, Reye syndrome is rare.

What chromosome is connected with Williams syndrome?

We know that most individuals with Williams syndrome are missing genetic material on chromosome #7 including the gene that makes the protein elastin (a protein which provides strength and elasticity to vessel walls.) It is likely that the elastin gene deletion accounts for many of the physical features of Williams syndrome. Some medical and developmental problems are probably caused by deletions of additional genetic material near the elastin gene on chromosome #7. The extent of these deletions may vary among individuals. If a patient has 2 copies of the elastin gene (one on each of their chromosomes #7), they probably do not have WS. If the individual only has one copy, the diagnosis of WS will be confirmed. Virtually all (98-99%) persons with typical features of WS will have a deletion of the elastin gene. In more technical terms: Williams syndrome is the result of a deletion of the 7q11.23 region of chromosome #7 containing the elastin gene and is believed to be a contiguous gene syndrome. Diagnosis of Williams syndrome is confirmed by dual colour FISH using a specific probe and a control probe. Find more information at

How many people are affected by Williams syndrome?

Williams Syndrome affects around 20,000 to 30,000 people which is roughly 1 in 10,000 in the world. It has positive aspects such as musical ability, a high level of sociability and high IQ levels however it also has very negative aspects such as the high risk of coronary disease, some learning disabilities and digestive disruptions.

What can be some symptoms for Marfan's syndrome?

flat feet an sinked chest are some symptomes of marfan syndrome

Who can get Williams syndrome?

Williams syndrome is a genetic condition that is present at birth and can affect anyone. It is characterized by medical problems, including cardiovascular disease, developmental delays, and learning disabilities. These occur side by side with striking verbal abilities, highly social personalities and an affinity for music. Williams syndrome affects 1 in 10,000 people worldwide - an estimated 20,000 to 30,000 people in the United States. It is known to occur equally in both males and females and in every culture. Unlike disorders that can make connecting with your child difficult, children with Williams syndrome tend to be social, friendly and endearing. Parents often say they could not have imagined the joy and perspective their child with Williams syndrome has brought into their lives. Nearly everyone with Williams syndrome loves music, and for some, there is a musicality and eventual talent for music that is far greater than would be expected based on general functioning levels. There are major struggles as well. Many babies have life-threatening cardiovascular problems.Children with WS need costly and ongoing medical care, and early interventions (such as speech or occupational therapy) that may not be covered by insurance or state funding. As they grow, they struggle with things like spatial relations, numbers and abstract reasoning, which can make daily tasks a challenge. And as adults, most people with WS need supportive housing to live to their fullest potential. Just as important are opportunities for social interaction. Adults with Williams syndrome often experience intense isolation which can lead to depression. They are extremely sociable and experience the normal need to connect with others; however people with Williams syndrome often don't process nuanced social cues and this makes it difficult to form lasting relationships. Other characteristics common to Williams syndrome are: Hypercalcemia (elevated blood calcium levels) Low birth-weight / slow weight gain Feeding problems Dental abnormalities Kidney abnormalities Hernias Hyperacusis (sensitive hearing) Musculoskeletal problems Information provided by the Williams Syndrome Association (WSA). For additional information, please visit the WSA's web site at