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its when its real so litralay woud happen

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1mo ago

In drama terms, "literal" refers to the exact representation of actions, dialogue, and events in a straightforward manner without any symbolic or metaphorical meanings. It typically involves a direct depiction of events as they happen without any hidden messages or deeper layers of interpretation.

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Q: What is literal in drama terms?
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A word that can be interpreted in a non literal meaning is said to have a figurative meaning.

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drama is an act. the element of drama is paper or script, actor or player and stageDrama is the script of a work intended to be performed such as a play, a film, or a video. It is acted out rather than narrated. The Elements of Drama, according to Aristotle's Poetics, are Plot, Character, Thought, Diction, Song, and Spectacle. There are enough terms of drama to fill a gazetteer.

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What does pace mean in drama terms?

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SIMILAR TERMS-algebraic terms which have the same literal factors and in which each letter has the same exponent in all of the terms.DISSIMILAR TERMS-algebraic terms which have only one or more of their literal factors are the same.Do you know that kemp jones garbo is the only boy who is hondsome in the world?

What does tone mean in drama terms?

In drama terms 'tone' means how you want to make your voice sound. Say perhaps you were pretending to be from France you would make your voice sound like a Frenchman.