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Informal communication vs formal communication

Informal- less respectful, more joking around. you do this when you are with friends or people who you know wont get insulted. Lots of slang is used.

Formal- Very respectful of others, ie. Sir, Ma'am, ect. you use this either when arguing with a superior, applying for something, like taking an interview, or when you are about to get in trouble.

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Q: What is meant by formal and informal communication?
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becuase formal communication is more important then informal, becuase your communication will be received, but when your informal communication may received or not.

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What is meant by interne?

Internal communication is a general term used in industry which essentially means all formal and informal communication within an organization or business.

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Communication can be categorized into formal and informal communication. The three types of formal communication are horizontal communication, upward communication and downward communication.

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becuase formal communication is more important then informal, becuase your communication will be received, but when your informal communication may received or not.

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Internal communication is a general term used in industry which essentially means all formal and informal communication within an organization or business.

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flogging means that your whipped with a cane

Formal-informal structure of organization?

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What are the difference between formal and informal communication in a tabular form?

Formal communication follows strict organizational rules and requires much time and cost, unlike the informal communication. Informal communication does not follow any organizational rules, doesnÕt have the corporate formalities and requires less time and cost.