

What is more common Natural birth or c section?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Natural birth.

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Q: What is more common Natural birth or c section?
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What that hurts more natural childbirth or Cesarean section?

Natural childbirth I would say. You never know how long it will take and you can't get the epidural until it's close to the birth.

If you have had 1 c section birth if you have a second pregnancy what type of birth would it be?

Most ObGyn's will only deliver future pregancies after a c-section by another c-section. The primary reason for this is that a previous c-section greatly increases the chance of rupturing a uterus during natural birth.A ruptured uterus is a life threatening emergency for both mother and baby and generally must be removed (the mother can have no more future childern)Some OB's will allow a mother to try natural birth after a c-section... talk to you doctor.

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Is a Caesarean section C-section easier than giving birth naturally?

If by "natural birth" you mean vaginal birth (as opposed to drug free vaginal birth) then the recovery from a Cesarean is much longer and more painful. With an epidural the labor and birthing themselves are not painful in both cases.

What is better to have a natural birth or a C section?

Natural child birth is when the baby is born by coming out of the mother's vagina. A C-section is when the baby is surgically removed due to labor complications or the labor becoming life-threatening to the mother or child

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"Natural selection is the gradual, non-random process by which biological traits become either more or less common in a population as a function of differential reproduction of their bearers." - Wikipedia Babies with low birth weight are more susceptible to dying because their bodies are too small to weak to sustain life. Reasons for low birth weight are varied and depend heavily on the health of the mother. It's not really a natural selection process.

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There are many factors such as how good is the pedigree, could the dog be show quality, did the mother have to have a c-section. There are some breeds that will be more expensive because the breed cannot have a natural birth, bulldogs and french bulldogs will be more expensive because they have large heads and small bodies so it is very dangorus for the mother to have a nutuarl birth so they have c-section and this makes the price go up. Hope this helps!!!!! :)

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