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Its a long process that takes a skilled professional do not do if you are not trained.

1. remove all items that will be used

2. fill the drip chamber half way

3. insert the needel/catheder into subject arm until you see blood in the flash chamber

4. push the catheder forward holding pressure on the vein with your left hand as to not let blood squirt everywhere remove needle

5. Insert IV lock to catheder

6. squeeze bag

I am not a professional nor am i trained on how to apply an IV that's just what i did in combat and worked well enough for me.

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12y ago
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12y ago

An IV is the method of injecting fluid directly into the veins of a patient. It means INTER VEINOUS or in the vein. Most of the time a person with an IV has that bag of fluid dripping into a tube attached to a needle in the hand or wrist.

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12y ago

of course you will need to prepare the kind of IV, IV line that you need, then prepare the following: abbocath, micropore, alcohol, dry and wet cotton, gauze, tourniquet, and also trash bin for sharps.. don't forget to calculate for the drops per minute. ask first for the drop factor of the hospital so you can compute for it.

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15y ago

This should be shown to you. The key points to remember are aseptic technique and finding a vein that won't roll on you.

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