

What is private cloud computing?

Updated: 10/4/2023
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13y ago

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Cloud Computing is a General Network, where software, databases, servers, etc. are in a central location and accessible through all computers linked to said network. Private Cloud Computing is an individually owned and operated network specifically for an individual or company. While there are an abundance of websites about this topic, the simplest and most complete answer is at

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7y ago

A private cloud is a model of cloud computing which is built and meant to serve one client only - also known as enterprise cloud. basically, in theory it's very much like the cloud you would think of, besides elasticity is fixed according to customer's needs. those customers are usually large organizations with a variety of needs, demanding the highest data safety standards that can be provided. you can check out stratoscale for more info of how this cloud based environment works.

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13y ago

Simply, not all people can use some cloud service, because they are build for some companies, so only the members of that companies can used it.

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Figuring Out Options for Private Cloud Computing?

Those who are placing an emphasis on learning private cloud computing may find that the concept is not an easy one to find out about. Many still don't fully understand what cloud computing is, but there are a number of websites that are being created about that particular issue in the computer world.

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Cloud computing is the next generation in Internet storage. You can get 3 different kinds of clouds. There are public clouds, private clouds, and hybrid clouds.

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I found three Cloud Computing magazines you might be interested in. They are; Alltop - Top Cloud Computing News, Cloud Computing Journal and TMC's Cloud Computing Magazine. I hope that you find these choices helpful.

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question continues... What is the name of this cloud deployment model? a) public cloud b) hybrid cloud c) private cloud d) Private managed cloud.

Is Linux the only host for cloud computing?

I do not think that Linux is the only host for cloud computing. AT&T and HP are hosts for cloud computing also. You can get free cloud computing at

Are there free business options available for cloud computing?

Cloud computing is the sharing of information and software between businesses. At computing you will be able to find how to get free cloud computing. Also and are places to start your search for free cloud computing.

Where can I get cloud computing news to keep me updated about cloud computing technology?

Any computer website that has cloud computing on it should be able to keep you updated with news about cloud computing technology. I recommend Microsoft.

Where can I learn to use cloud computing?

There is a good explanation of cloud computing at I think you can learn most of what you need to know there.

Is Cloud Computing going to be better than Grid Computing?

Cloud computing is better then normal grid computing as its cheaper to buy, use and maintain. Cloud computing can offer web hosting also which grid computing can not.

what is the typical cloud computing platform?

There is no normal cloud computing platform. Cloud computing is a new computer operating system that is becoming popular.